2324 Criptomonedas
Capitalización total $10,030,988,608,678,444
Volumen 24h $2,502,910,916

The Dai (DAI) is a collateral-backed cryptocurrency whose value is stable relative to the US Dollar. The DAI was created by the Maker, a smart contract platform on the Ethereum blockchain, to enable anyone to leverage their Ethereum assets and generate DAI tokens on the Maker Platform. Once generated, Dai can be used in the same manner as any other cryptocurrency.

Cuota de mercado 0.00%
Tipo de Prueba
24h Open $1.00
24h Baja $1.00
24h de Alta $1.00
Precio en BTC 0.00001642451049 BTC
Suministro 3,282,157,056 DAI
Suministro Total 19,950,480 DAI
Capitalización $3,281,070,336
24h Volumen (moneda) 294,188 DAI
24h Volumen (moneda) $294,120
Última actualización 2024-05-12 02:39:53 +01:00 BST
ID Mercado Tipo de Precio Cantidad Total
Fecha Precio Volumen

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