2324 Criptomonedas
Capitalización total $10,030,988,608,678,444
Volumen 24h $2,502,910,916

USCoin is a PoW cryptocurrency based on the Scrypt algorithm. USCoin features a cold-wallet that allows user to pay quickly at nearly – zero cost. In 2018, Uscoin's team intends to release a Mobile app version of the wallet, as well as issueing a credit card with the first ATM in San Antonio, Texas, USA.


Cuota de mercado 0.00%
Tipo de Prueba PoW
24h Open $1.00
24h Baja $1.00
24h de Alta $1.00
Precio en BTC 0.00001643120427 BTC
Suministro 33,127,649,280 USDC
Capitalización $33,130,178,560
24h Volumen (moneda) 726,388,352 USDC
24h Volumen (moneda) $726,443,776
Última actualización 2024-05-12 02:40:04 +01:00 BST
ID Mercado Tipo de Precio Cantidad Total
Fecha Precio Volumen

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